Born out of Jamaica passion, a love of family and a fascination with exceptional coffee, it was yearning for a piece
of home that led Paul Tulloch to create his own piece of Jamaica to share with the world. Growing up, Paul was immersed and inspired by soulful rhythms, color, creativity and distinctive flavours. He set about creating a roast
that captured Jamaica’s true essence. The outcome is an authentic bespoke coffee; enigmatic, satisfying, individual
and full of heart, just like Jamaica itself. Our team works tirelessly to make sure every batch preserves this exquisite flavor.
Coffee and music are Paul’s second loves. His first are his daughters, Kiah and Maizi (after whom KIMA is named.)

Coffee and music are Paul's second loves.
His first are his daughters, Kiah and Maizi after whom KIMA is named.

What you will taste is the result of the most fertile volcanic soil, veiled in a dream-like blue mist that moderates humidity for slow cherry ripening. The mild flavor of KIMA has been cultivated over generations, then shaped and refined into something that embodies true Jamaican soul.
At KIMA everything we do is an homage to the essence of Jamaica. We take pride in designing a coffee so
perfectly balanced, it’s almost completely free of bitterness. We work hard to honor the heritage of the Jamaica
Blue Mountain lineage by allowing KIMA’s rich flavor to speak for itself.
KIMA beans are grown with respect, keeping biodiversity and conservation in mind. Our coffee is farmed to
maximize and protect the environment, to empower farmers and producers and to support local communities. By
building mutually strong relationships with our partners, we create a more sustainable, mutually beneficial future
for us all.
The farms that supply KIMA with our beans, are SQF (Safe Quality Food) Certified. The SQF Program is recognized
by retailers and food service providers around the world who require a rigorous, credible food safety management
system. Benchmarked to Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI), SQF links primary production certification to food
manufacturing, distribution and retail certification. This certification ensures that our coffee has passed rigorous
food safety tests to provide you with a safe product.
Now you can really relax when you have a cup of KIMA coffee.

Centuries of knowledge, tradition and experience have gone into the evolution of Jamaica Blue Mountain coffee.
The coffee estates and mountainside “fincas” (farms) in the rugged forests of southeast Jamaica date back to the early 1700s.
Only JACRA (Jamaica Agricultural Commodities Regulatory Authority) can certify Jamaica Blue Mountain coffee as
authentic; grown in Jamaica between elevations of 3,000 and 5,500 feet in the parishes of St Thomas, St Andrew,
St Mary and Portland.
With a view unmatched by any other place on earth, the lush landscape of the mountains is so staggering, it’s
preserved as a World Heritage Site. Rich volcanic soil, a cool and misty climate and high rainfall make conditions
ideal for growing world-class coffee.

Our farmers and producers are at the heart of KIMA and what truly makes our coffee such a delicacy. Our beans
come from small, sustainable independent farms that ensure each bean has that rare ‘Jamaica Blue Mountain’
taste. They carefully nurture, evaluate and grade KIMA cherries to ensure their juiciest fruition, in the most delicate,
hands-on process.